…proudly a not-for-profit organisation that has been supporting Victorians since 1959. We are a value-based, care-driven organisation that provides residential aged care services, respite care, community and in-home nursing, and…
HomeNews And Events
During Melbourne’s lockdowns, when visits and lifestyle activities at aged care homes were limited, Deborah Carveth, a Swinburne University researcher, joined with Facility Manager, David Mitrovic, to start the project…
HomeServicesDisability Services
mecwacare supports people of all ages and abilities. We offer post-acute, short-term or long-term care to support our clients to remain in their own homes. Each service is integrated so…
…admissions@mecwacare.org.au We invite you to explore mecwacare’s aged care homes and retirement villages through a guided tour that offers a glimpse into the day-to-day life of our residents. Our homes…
HomeNews And Events
…used to combat cognitive decline and depression by providing companionship to those who are socially isolated. Painchek has been introduced throughout mecwacare aged care homes and has revolutionised pain management…
Thank you for considering mecwacare for residential care. mecwacare’s nineteen residential aged care homes throughout Victoria promote quality of life for residents and recognise their individual needs through the provision…
HomeSupport Us
…in our aged care homes Strength training equipment to prevent falls and improve health and wellbeing Building libraries in our aged care homes Music therapy equipment and training NBN connection…
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